Omara. " Can I go too? Please!"
Omara with a pine cone "cigar".
Jake and "his" baby.
Cervato and MaQ sharing watermelon.
MaQ enjoying the ride!
Loki cooling off in the pool.
Huckleberry and his friend.
Huckleberry cooling his heals!
Loki's family . No lack of love there!
Loki guarding the shoes so that no one" sneakers" off without him !
Cullen and Aidan. Brotherly love.
MaQ. 15 months. Nothing more beautiful than a Setter Sunset !
MaQ's first birthday cake. Baked and served with love from Mom !
Mighty Quin enjoying a Las Vegas winter day.
Kate McCannon already outstanding in her field !
Max and his family.
Max keeping his eye on the bird as he stalks.
Max hot on the trail !